Let’s Get It On!

Let’s talk training and health!

Everyone has an opinion about what you should or should not do when it comes to training and health. There are plenty of “experts” out there on Instagram and YouTube who advertise the awesomeness of this exercise or that exercise, this diet or that diet.

The concepts behind training and health are really quite simple. Be more active than inactive. Eat to feed your body (and training) not your emotions. Remove unhealthy stress. Simple, right? Yes, but not always easy. Anyone who tells you differently is selling you something.

There is no quick fix. Effective training requires commitment and showing up when you don’t want to show up. Being present and getting healthy because you deserve to be healthy. You deserve to be pain free. You deserve to be happy. I always tell my clients, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” Training programs aren’t always sexy. It’s doing the program over and over until your body and mind tell you, “Is that all you got? Give me more. I can take it!”

The greatest battle most people face is the mental part of training and health. The mental side of you will try to make excuses for putting off that training program, for eating unhealthy, or for sleeping less. You get the picture. It’ll convince you that it’s not worth it, you’re not worth it. It can wait. It’s too hard. It’s too boring. You’ll just fail. The greatest obstacle people face is themselves.

As a trainer, it’s hard to watch clients go through this mental battle because there’s only so much you can do. My greatest wish would be that they could see themselves through my eyes and understand the intensity of faith I have in them. With that said, the greatest joy is seeing the moment it clicks, and the client comes into training, looks at his/her training program for the day, and says, “Let’s get it on!”

man, woman, push-ups-2264825.jpg

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2 Responses

  1. Andrew Watts says:

    “Effective training requires commitment”, very true. It’s also a lifestyle choice and a commitment. I liked the article and agree it can be a mental push. Me? I like exercising. Some good stuff in the web page. Thanks

    • Jo Anna Williamson, Ph.D. says:

      You’re absolutely right. It’s both a choice & a commitment. I’m glad you like exercising. I like it too..it makes it so much easier.